Why Flossing is Important for your Dental Health
It’s difficult to reach the plaque and food debris that lodge between your gum line and teeth by just brushing alone. A survey conducted...
The link between gum disease and heart health
Did you know, that there could be a connection between the health of your gums and the health of your heart? According to the Academy of...
What is gum disease?
Gum disease is also referred to as periodontal disease. It is an inflammation of the gums that could lead to the loss of tissue that...
Drink Green Tea for a Healthy Smile
What you eat and drink directly impacts the health of your teeth and gums. With all of the drinks selection available, one of the best...
Top 5 Reasons to Make Your Teeth a Spring Cleaning Priority
Regular dental visits are very important to your health and wellbeing. In fact, we recommend you have a professional cleaning and dental...